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Yu Sheng or Prosperity Toss: A Fun Chinese New Year Tradition

It will definitely be great to spend time with the whole family to celebrate Chinese New Year 2023 or Imlek while enjoying a variety of special Chinese New Year dishes that contain many philosophies of prosperity. One of them was Yu Sheng.

There are various versions regarding the origin of the Yu Sheng tradition. The first version states that the Yu Sheng dish originates from Chinese mythology about the Goddess Nuwa which is related to the beginning of human life in the world. Meanwhile, another version states that Yu Sheng was developed and created by four master chefs from Singapore in the 1960s.

Yu Sheng consists of about 17 kinds of fresh ingredients doused with plum sauce mixed with onion oil. There are 17 kinds of materials which are the Chinese symbol for sustenance. Odd numbers like 17 are considered to have added value. Among the fresh ingredients are carrots, grapefruit, jellyfish, seaweed, candied sugar, white radish, sesame, crackers, peanuts, and salmon.

The Yu Sheng tradition is not carried out haphazardly because there are several things that must be considered. One of which is the use of a round table which symbolizes positive things and the cardinal directions. The Yu Sheng tradition is filled with enjoyment with family and prayers for gratitude for the sustenance that has been given throughout the year. In preparing this iconic Chinese New Year dish full of meaning, there is a tradition when mixing Yu Sheng’s ingredients while saying a prayer, including:

  1. This tradition begins by pouring lemon juice over the salmon while saying “Da Ja Da Li” which means “luck and smoothness”.
  2. The first ingredient is raw fish. Raw fish is one of the main ingredients served in Yu Sheng’s plate. The fish usually used is thinly sliced salmon or tuna. Diners wish “Nian Nian You Yu” which means “getting abundant sustenance throughout the year’.
  3. The second ingredient being added is pomelo or mandarin orange. When throwing the orange slices onto a serving plate, they say “Da ji da li” which means “good luck and prosperity”.
  4. Then, pepper powder sprinkled on the food as a symbol of hope to get more valuable things in the coming year, accompanied by saying “Zhao Cai Jin Bao” which means “attracting wealth and treasures”.
  5. The oil is sprinkled in a circular motion. The wish is “Cai Yuan Guang Jin” which means “may wealth continue to flow from various sources of income”.
  6. Plum sauce is poured all over the dish. Diners wish “Tian Tian Mi Mi” which means “may you have a happy and sweet life, as sweet as plum juice”.
  7. Grated carrots are served and mixed. The wish is “Hong Yun Dang tou” which means “good luck in all endeavors that have been and will be undertaken”
  8. Green radish is mixed while saying “Qing Chin Chang Zhu” which means “may you always stay young”.
  9. Not to forget, grated white radish is added to the Yu Sheng dish by saying “Bu Bu Gao Sheng” which means “I hope that work and business can develop rapidly”.
  10. Coarsely chopped peanuts sprinkled on top of Yu Sheng’s dish. The wish is “Jin Yin Man Wu” which means that “your household will be filled with gold and silver in abundance”.
  11. When sprinkling sesame seeds, diners wish “Sheng Yi Xing Long” which means that “the business you are currently running can thrive and prosper throughout the year”.
  12. Pok chui crackers become a golden symbol. It is hoped that adding crackers to the Yu Sheng dish can bring in a lot of fortune, especially in the household. Thus, the wish is “Bian Di Huang Jin”.

Each grated vegetable and other ingredients tend to stick together and are impossible for one person to stir together. That is why, Yu Sheng is served as a communal dish, which is to be eaten together. It takes compactness, so that the flavors of each element can blend perfectly.

The diners stand holding their chopsticks and preparing to stir all the Yu Sheng fillings. While lifting chopsticks, they shouted “Lo Hei!”. The higher they lift their chopsticks, the more fortune they will get. Lo Hei is Cantonese which means “lift up”. It has a symbol as a hope for an increase in profit and fortune at the turn of the year.

Yu Sheng has an interesting taste and texture. There are fresh, sour, sweet and slightly spicy flavors. The sour taste comes from the plum sauce, while the savory and fragrant taste comes from the onion oil. The concoction of these ingredients makes Yu Sheng’s taste special. Some vegetable ingredients are served by being shaved or cut into thin strips. So, when it’s finished mixing, the shape is similar to noodles. There’s a hint of spiciness from the ginger, then a little sweet and tart from the candied sugar and grapefruit.

However, the most delicious ingredient is the raw salmon meat. It’s very fresh and gives a bit of a special savory flavor to the salad. There are also quite strong peanut and sesame flavors.


Writer: Mandrias
Editor: Eby

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